Therapeutic Massage

Located just blocks from beautiful downtown Anoka Minnesota, Anoka Chiropractic is home to Randy Beck, who provides therapeutic, deep tissue, sports, and relaxation massage. You can get a massage from several different providers in the area, but here is what sets Randy apart from other massage therapists.

1hour means 1 hour of table time! At some massage businesses your one hour includes the consultation with the therapist as well as getting undressed and dressed so you really get anywhere from a 50-55 minute massage.

The same price for every massage. I never understood having to pay more for deeper pressure. Want a relaxation massage? Want a sports massage with stretches included? Want a deep tissue massage? Need some rehabilitative work done? ALL THE SAME PRICE!

Complimentary water after your session

Free quarterly newsletter for clients

Anoka Chiropractic
646 East River Road
Anoka, MN 55303

Anoka Chiropractic